
Are you really eating healthy?

  An Illusion Too much of everything is bad. This also applies to those things which are promoted that they are beneficial for health. Take, for example, the story of Vikas. Someone told this 44-year-old businessman that if he continues to take vitamins and other supplements regularly, he will always remain healthy and young. That's why he started taking 8 pills of vitamins and supplements in the morning and the same in the evening. After a few days, the result of this was that Vikas started complaining of heart diseases and diabetes. Yes, if you take vitamins too much and for a long time, then they will also harm your body instead of benefiting. When vitamins A, D, E and K accumulate in excess in the body, they reach toxic levels. The simple thing is that if you are eating properly and you do not have any disease complaints, then you do not need multivitamins. Take them only on doctor's advice. Let's talk another scenario here, Deepa was going on her scooter, seeing a whee...

Insomnia (a curse or blessing)?

The economy of the modern era has changed the work schedule of most of the people. Due to the lockdown, now it has become necessary to do work from home and night duty. There is an increasing number of people who are not getting enough sleep and which is affecting their health. It is said that Kumbhakaran(Hindu Mythological charachter) used to sleep in deep sleep for 6 months in a year. If he were in today's age, he might not have even got the required 8 hours of sleep every day, he too would have longed for sleep stuck to electronic screens like us.  The economy of the modern era has changed the time table of most people's work. It has become almost necessary to do night duty and work from home. Obviously due to this the number of people who are not getting enough sleep is increasing continuously. According to a recent survey, almost one third of Indians are deprived of adequate sleep. But there is also another aspect of this that people who are involved in the business of sol...